Office Design for Mental Health – Mixology Round Table Discussion
We discuss the importance of harnessing office design for mental health.

The round table discussion hosted by UK commercial interiors publication Mix Interiors discussed the importance of harnessing office design for mental health and how important it was for designers to understand the emotional well being of the occupants they are designing for.
The general consensus amongst the group was that mental health was beginning to come to the fore of workplace design. The trend has been emerging alongside designing for the physical wellbeing of people in the workplace, which has seen a rapid progression in recent years.
Research shows that organisations creating the right environment for their staff can have a positive impact on employees’ health and wellbeing, as well as their job satisfaction and productivity levels.
Each participant agreed there has been a shift amongst a lot of big employers who now consider wellbeing strategies help improve their retention rates which in turn help them to attract the best people. Hence physical and mental wellbeing elements were being considered for the first time on a very commercial basis.
Head over to the Mixology page to read the full discussion.